Relationships - Part 4 - The "Biased" Relationships

There are some people who are a dear part of our lives purely on some preconceived bias that we have for them. We liked them for some reason sometime and we just don't go back on them at any point of time. We have changed opinions about many a thing in life, what we held dearest to our hearts are not dear to us for long, preferences change in life, but these people, NO, our opinion or bias on them never changes. 
We see through their faults, put up with their tantrums, listen to their "not-really-needed" rants, ignore other's opinion on them and just plain like them because our heart tells us to. We always see them with a filtered pair of eyes and they are what I call "The Biased relationships".

Though the changing times with busy work and a "more-practical" approach to relationships and acquntainces these days, does not allow us to afford so many of such people in our lives, they do exist in our little world. They are nothing to feel guilty about, they are good and they are worth our bias. After all, not everything in life should be driven by the mind, there are some of the heart too. These are one such.

1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    I completely agree! When I read the start of your post, I realized that I am friends with some people who are actually "biased friends" only. Sometimes they develop into real friendships, but sometimes they don't.