This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 11; the eleventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
Hidden behind a non enthusiastic mind is a self occupied, lost in thought mind. A wake up alarm from an observant friend unhides and brings you back to the real world.

 Hidden behind a over cautious self is a recent failure. Hands to hold and shoulders to cry unhide and reveal the strength in You.

 Hidden behind a blame-oneself for everything is a recent goof up. Balcony times with a trusted friend unhides and gears you up.

 Hidden behind a hating-self or self-abandoning is a relationship turned sore, a dream crushed and shattered onto pieces. Self Reconstruction and a mammoth amount of self-confidence helps unhide and regain the real you.

 Hidden behind a over-confident, pompous self is a recent success. A watch-dog person to rest the head firmly on the shoulder helps unhide and get the feet back on the ground.

 How much of your negatives you hide and how much more of your positives you reveal and for how longer or shorter you can remain in that hiding is the formula of life. What hides behind what, in what proportion , is based on the situations we go through, the successes we celebrate, the failures we stay stumped down with and the relationships we make and break.

 Life is a cheat, it can keep you hidden in dark forever and ruin your happiness and confidence. It can also fool into being hidden in rosy glory for ever and will unhide the danger from your eyes and one day throw it glaringly on your face.

 Hidden behind every beautiful grey cloud is an evil dark cloud and guileless white one. When the white hides itself more, the cloud gets darker and less pretty. When the black hides itself more, the cloud gets grey-ier and prettier. If you are seeing it all white or all black at any time, then you got to learn the lesson of life to see BEYOND THE OBVIOUS and to see the HIDDEN and then you WIN LIFE.
By the time, you learn this trick from life, you either lose heart to look or you lose sight to see. The sooner you learn, the lesser the shock.

 There is always something hidden, everyone hides something or the other, so does Life from you.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

17 Responses
  1. T F Carthick Says:

    Very good lessons for life expressed in a concise manner.

  2. Ritu Says:

    Clear and to the point. Nice

  3. Vinay Leo R. Says:

    yes.. expressions of life..
    lot of things hidden! :)

    Leo - Hidden

  4. Well put-simple words,brilliant thoughts.
    As someone once said,the tragedy of life is that it is lived forwards but understood backwards.

  5. Govind Says:

    There is nothing hidden in that post.

    Whole lot of truth in a very concise post. To the point.

    All the best!!

  6. wow i love this one.
    I can so relate and feel this post like someone wrote my mind in various ways.....and so true.

    Your writing style is beautifully expressive.
    All the best.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. aayanman Says:

    The philosophy in the post is quite well thought and observed.
    somewhere there was a tinge of sadness hidden in it isnt it?
    I liked reading it.

  9. Anonymous Says:

    I loved every word ..because maybe i somehow needed to recap the forgotten things ...loved to read hidden beauty / tragedy of life .:) Very well put in ..esp the opening lines :) All the best for BATOM :)

  10. nice concept... we do learn hidden lessons always!!!

  11. Unknown Says:

    very hard hitting and absolutely true! i like :)

  12. Very true...
    I agree with you...
    We cannot escape from being hidden....
    we wear different masks...
    liked all the various hidden colours you have described here....
    quite intriguing and contemplative post

  13. Amity Says:

    I am with you in what you have written here in your post!

    So very true, we each hide in a different mask, some good, some bad, some happy, some sad!

    Oh I remember, I wrote a poem about The Mask!

    Nice thoughts on hidden. Thanks for your wonderful comments on my post!

    I wish you good luck for BATOM!

  14. Nethra Says:

    That was a thoughtful and thought provoking post. I second everything that I read in your post.

  15. Rocksa Says:

    TOTALLY TRUE! I'm sure a lot of people would roll their eyes when you tell them the truth about life! Philosophy often draws that kind of reaction. But the truth is, deep down every human being yearns to find answers to the questions that trouble them and philosophy is what helps such people not lose sanity! Good one! I like it! :) :)

  16. Deepika Says:

    Nice compilation of ur thoughts!

  17. Shilpa Garg Says:

    Liked the clarity of thought!! Very well expressed!!
    All the best for BAT-11.
    Cheers :)