
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 10; the tenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Escape from the evil
Understandably so, what the mind has deemed evil, it contemplates an escape from it.

Escape from the good
Sometimes the mind wants to delay the good from getting to it, though difficult to comprehend the reason, most of us have gone through this.

Escape from the discomfort
The obvious expected escape, when even a slightest amount of discomfort

Escape from the comfort
The mind wants to escape the comfort being enjoyed, because it feels by being used to all the comfort, it is only getting spoilt and pampered.

Escape from the mundane
The by-rote things being done day-in and day-out get on to you, and your mind hurriedly plans an escape.

Escape from the new
Not too far into the new things, the mind suddenly tends to miss the much used to stuff and stealthily plans an escape.

Escape from the ordinary
With dreams so high, anything such as the ordinary is just a No-No.

Escape from the extraordinary
It seems way too extra and the mind is struggling to accept the mirth out of the ordinary and is feeling a discomfort and wanting to plan an escape.

After every such escape , planned and executed, or just planned and not succeeded, or not planned but just having wanted it, what the mind has to realize is that the escape won is only temporary , the escape wished for is only a fleeting moment and the escape not won is an unanswered prayer for the better.
Whether it is dodging the evil by planning an escape, or it is feeling guilty and planning an escape from the evil, it is all temporary and you will sooner or later have to face the fate because Life is Cruel.

Both from the good and the evil, both from the comfortable and the uncomfortable, both from the mundane and the new, the mind is struggling for an escape. Is that to be treated as the ever-wanting mind for more and better or is it to be treated as being an unsatisfied mind. 
What my mind needs now, is an escape from these convoluted thoughts to reason out the need for the escapes from everything. An escape from the present into the future is what I need at the moment. 
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

12 Responses
  1. Sureindran Says:

    I like and ofcourse very much can relate to "escape from the comfort" much many of us think hundreds of times to leave behind the comfort zone. Not many want to do this, to escape from comfort is a challenge indeed. Good work!

    Sureindran R. - Escape

  2. Er. Says:

    That's so right! Every one wants to escape from something or the other. All the best for BAT!

    PS: Visit

  3. Govind Says:

    Good post . Liked it !

  4. Vinay Leo R. Says:

    ah.. all different kinds of escape! :) loved it! good one..


  5. aayanman Says:

    I liked the concept of exploring the multiple facets of escape..but was hoping to read a bit more. !

  6. Yes, we do...
    the more we try to escape the more the system drags us back to the world behind escape...
    may be its adaptation in evolution...

  7. Nethra Says:

    Of course, we can't escape anything. If we manage to escape then we need to face it sometime later. How much I wish I could somehow escape from thing I don't fancy.
    Nice post! :)

  8. Shilpa Says:

    gr8 escapist list :)

  9. Anonymous Says:

    The escapists would love it. I liked your take on the subject. go for it.

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Very true "escape won is only temporary". One cannot escape from facing what they have to face. If not today, tomorrow we will have to face the same thing. Liked it.

  11. Vipul Grover Says:

    Hey, tuppence wats up ??
    Well, u brought out the biggest tragedy of human mind beautifully thru this post.. I'v read couple of othr posts which have taken a similar stand on escape bt this one brings it out in the best manner thru the potent example of ever changing and unadapting human needs.. nice read :)