I started this blog as a forum for me to review the things that touched me in any way. I thought it best now to review a blog.
Started reading her blog roughly about 2 years back and had got motivated to start my own but just did not live up to her capability of writing regularly and gave up finally.
Speaking her mind aloud, as she herself says, she writes really well with a lot of conviction a variety of topics.Right from being so girly and flaunting her cooking attempts on her blog, to being so frank and proud about being blissfully single, she is one smart woman. A rare combination which is an image of her that I have painted from following her blog.
She writes unasssumingly and frankly about the many things in her life. Reading her posts can take you on an emotional ride making you feel good about living away from home and at the same time miss home so much. She has got the magic in her writing to draw her readers come back to her page and wait for her posts.
The reason I enjoy her blog is not only because I can relate very much to her blogs like while moving homes; feeling like not letting go of her collectibles , how bad a hair cut can make you feel and so many more but also because she is smart and yet a little girlish on her blogs . I enjoy reading her blogs on how she finds most girls silly and some guys preposterously stupid. She has written through all her experiences in the US of A from the time she started off there by counting every cent in true style till what she is today.
The young school teacher in India who turned out to be a complaning-about-assignments & cursing-the-instructor grad student in the US, a strong willed individual enjoying the stark Indo-American cultural differences to now being an independent working woman . She is well worth the read.
Well done sunshine . Here is this post dedicated to you and your blog.
I am placing more than my "2 Pennies" on this one.
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