This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 12; the twelfth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
While seeing a Red mail van pass by,
While blowing off an eyelash that fell off my eye,
While going below the bridge when a train goes over it,
While taking that deep breath to blow the candles on my cake,
While seeing the first star in the moonlit sky,
-- I wished for things trivial, small, big and huge in all shapes.
Some of these I saw come true overnight and I smiled. I learnt a lesson thus that some things just happen if you just believe and wish for it with all your heart. Simple.
Some of these I struggled for, felt helpless and hopeless at times , resisted temptation to give up, held supporting hands and finally realized them. I learnt a lesson thus, wishes need to be worked at, whole heartedly, with perseverance and no pain means no gain. Difficult but fulfilling.
Some of these I see no doors open for, draining me of my energy, taking away the love for life from me, ruining me. Evil.
All of these I had pampered, nurtured and they had manifested themselves as beautiful dreams. Some came true in simple form with life making no fuss , some came after humungous effort and added strength to my personality and character with life being a hard earned battle win, some crushed into pieces and took away my beliefs and ruined my happiness, with life being a merciless, evil cheat. But all taught a lesson.
While there are still some keep wishing for, innocently waiting which of those categories it will fall into.
Now, make a wish , pamper it , nurture it , and make it a dream and work towards it, whichever category it may go into.
Wishes are all your life's worth.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Very beautiful! And so true!!
All the best for BAT-12.
Cheers :)
Super post!! Wish I had not read this before I attempt to write mine :)
All the best.
Loved how you portrayed the prompt Tuppence!!!
I can relate to it so well and now...I wish you all the best!
Btw, thanks for constantly supporting my entries for BATOM through your encouraging comments...see you in my place soon!!! Just a wish..:-)
Very true...
loved it.. :) its just beautiful..
So sweet, simple words, deep impact!!
Good one....
Very well expressed...d end is inspiring!....liked it very much. All d best :)
Very well definition and categorization of wishes. Looks like you have done extensive research on the topic. Nice blog !!
Very true, deep impact and i loved it.
I wish you a good luck for BATOM - 12
Saravana Kumar - Wish
Yours Frendly,
Saravana Kumar M
Profound and philosophical,but put forth in a very simple manner.
Loved it.
walking below a bridge when a train's going overhead is awesome no? I often have 2 do...and it feels so amazing 2 look up!
hey nice, simple and sweet post! all the best for BATOM 12
Just like your wishes, sweet and simple :)
Liked this line : some things just happen if you just believe and wish for it.
All da best.
Do comment :)
Beautiful lines !!
beautiful...loved it! :)
wonderful one...luvd it...wish ya luck fr BAT 12....following u! :)
thats simplicity personified!!!
sometimes, simple things need to be told in a simple way...and u did just that. Luvd it!
All the best for BAT!
Very beautifully said.. wishes and dreams are wat tht keeps us going..
Wish a wish :)
I liked those opening lines. Simple, Difficult & Evil, interesting ways to look at the wishes........
may all your wish come true... nice post. :D
soo true.. esp the first few lines.. small big wishes.. loved it!! :)
Reminded me of all the silly things we used to as kids.. in fact, i do them even now at times :P
Kp Up!!
I'll keep it short. I liked it =)