Tomorrow - Part 21 - That fleeting moment before I end my Today

Be it after a hard days work , after a tough exam, after a tiring outing , be it one of those awful Sunday nights like yesterday, the last thought that crosses everybody's mind before sleeping that night's sleep is about the Tomorrow . More than the thought of how the day has been, the more predominant thought is about what the tomorrow going to hold for you. It is just a fleeting moment in thought of the Tomorrow.

It might be as simple as your friend's birthday , or a book that you are reading , or meeting a friend , your office meeting tomorrow, some interesting thing to try at work or your most interesting class in school tomorrow.
But some happy thought at that moment is what completes that day and let's you peacefully call it a day and look toward to that tomorrow.

A happy today may not be a great start to a good tomorrow but however bad the day has been, a pleasant thought at this moment will let you welcome that tomorrow with your best smile.

What is that fleeting moment of thought tonight going to bring to your mind of your tomorrow? Think something pleasant, sleep a peaceful night's sleep.

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